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Monica was hanging out at the office of my apartment complex. The central air at her place was out and she was waiting to talk to someone. She was wearing these tiny green shorts and I had to say something. I talked her into coming back to my place. We talked about foot fetish and she said she was fine thought it was kinda weird but she was intrigued. That's when I took out the camera and the oil! She put her soles in front of me and started scrunching them. She can spread her toes really wide too. She drips a bunch of oil down her feet and spreads her toes in the air while we continue the conversation of foot fetish. She lays down and bends over so you get a good view of her ass and legs. Her skin is pale and her feet turn pink when she's been walking on them. This is something I've always noticed about pale white girls. I start to massage Monica's soft oiled soles. We talk about her feet compared to other girls who have been in my apartment. She laughs as I tell weird jokes. While she's laughing, I just pull my jeans down and start whacking my noodle. She didn't mind it, in fact she started flexing and scrunching her shiny wet feet. She wanted to see how hard she could get me by just teasing me this way. After a little bit, you know me... I had try to get her to jack me off with her hands. She was delighted to help, I put my cock in her face. She grabbed it and started stroking it with her soft hands. The conversation continued like none of this was happening. She playfully laughed and stared at my face. She liked the faces I made while trying not to cum. I felt my cum about to shoot out of me so I came back to her feet and released a thick, dripping load on her toes as she scrunched and spread them. Monica made these sexy faces that I can't describe watching my sperm ooze down her toes. She was really into seeing me splash her feet.
wud luv to see you lay waste to her big ass with that beautiful big dick of yours...
would pay to see her suck a big dick
Premium Member
bring monica back
This is seriously my favorite foot fetish video!
Premium Member
Bring Monica back let her show her asshole also do a video whit her only handjob she's really good at ii
Bro this this girl back and put some dick in her I love that mom nextdoor unsure type of vibe
Premium Member
you should do more videos where you get a handjob with there feet facing the camera.